1. Remove your Make-Up (If you are wearing any): Sleeping with your makeup on is one of the worst things that you can do to your skin. You can do that with the same cleanser that you use in the morning. Work from the inside of the face up, and out and down afterwards, along the hairline and the perimeter underneath the chin.
2. Introduce your skin with your toner, again: A good toner removes the remaining bits of debris and oil left behind by the previous cleansers, and it also shrinks the skin pores and provides your skin with a pH level equilibrium. If your skin is severely oily, then you might want to not miss this step.
5. Optional steps, because we are perfectionists: If you have the time and motivation, you can also consider applying a mask (depending on your skin type and concerns) once or twice a week after cleansing and moisturising. If your skin is oriented to the dry side, you can use a hydrating mask, or if it is oily, use a clay mask. If your facial skin is still feeling parched, applying
a face oil would be a good way to help the skin lock in some good moisture overnight. Make sure to apply by gently and evenly pressing it into your skin, not by just rubbing it in.
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